Old school Easter eggs.
This tutorial based on modding OPERA with s40 phone.
Class Editor
Class translator
Picture in .png
make sure that your device support add & edit data

First of all open ur opera.zip with blueFTP and extract all it content into a folder.

Open ur class translator loc8 d folder where d extracted files are open a.class scrol dwn u will c http:// server4.operamini.com:80 click on it & change it 2 any cheat u want press option save it, press option again choose close it will show 'leave spare file' press option 'No' ok den quit.. You have successfully change ur server like dat..
open ur class editor loc8 d extracted files open META-INF inside it u will c manifest.mf inside it u will c Midlet-name, change it 2 any name u want. Note: we don't change d name of opera4.2labsHandler else u will b getting error
CHANGING ICON PIC. (d picture u will c b4 open ur opera)
in d extracted file u will c i.png deleted it den copy d picture dat u want 2 use with blueFTP and paste it in d folder where d extracted file are den rename dat ur picture 2 i.png... Dats it
Open ur class editor loc8 V in d extracted file, open it press 9 in d text box enter Connecting den press 2 once 2 c it use key 4 to scrol 2 d first letter of d word C press * u will c red bar behind dat C , use key 6 to highlight d word and stop at d last letter of d word G press 5, 3times choose text and enter d new word u want 2 use in replace(d word must nt exceed 10 characters if d new word is nt up to 10 u can add space 2 make it 10 character) ok it press upper left key and save it. Use d above procedure to edit INSTALLING , PROCESSING , LOADING too. There are two loading in V so edit d both. Note: Installing & Processing are 10 letters. Loading is 7 letters
CHANGING LOADING BAR (d red line u c when installing or opening ur opera)
The default color is RED (d hex value is ACI614) to change it get d hex value of another color dat u want 2 use, den open ur class editor loc8 extracted files open f.class den press 0 d page will divide into 2, press 7 in d hex box enter 3575 look at d left side of d screen den press 6 once u will c AC1614 in hex 2 characters can b change at once, scrol to AC press 5 3times choose HEX clear dat AC and replace it with d first 2 of d new hex, repeat d procedure 2 change al d hex. Press upper left key and save it.
CHANGING WELCOME PAGE (d page dat it will show when installing ur opera b4 accecpt)
open ur class editor loc8 d extracted files open v, scrol down with key 8 u will c http:// www.operamini.com/ firsttime/4.2/ scrol 2 dat first w den press * press 6 to highlight d link and stop at d (/) after 4.2 eg: | www.operamini.com/ firsttime/4.2/ | press 5 3times choose text den enter d new link dat u want 2 use (dat link is 32 characters and d new link must also b 32 characters bt if d link is nt up to 32 characters add spaces at d back of d link 2 make it 32) eg: www.masterdinho.wapath.com........... (i added 10 spaces at d back 2 make it 32 character Note: d ( . ) represent space) press upper left key and save it.
CHANGING USER AGENT (i.e browser detail)
For opera 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 mod, open class translator loc8 f.class For opera 4.2 Handler, open class translator loc8 HandlerUI.class change d detail there 2 what u like, den click options, choose save, press options again choose NO den ok it. Press options again choose close. Dats all.....
Now to pack ur opera, open ur blueFTP loc8 d folder where d extracted files are open it den press menu select all it will highlight all press menu again 'choose compress to zip' give it anyname.zip eg: mini.zip ok continue pressing yes until u c finaly compress, now rename ur opera from .zip to _jar eg: mini.zip to mini_jar quit blueFTP goto ur gallery loc8 d opera den rename it 4rm _jar to .jar eg: mini_jar to mini.jar dats all... NOTE: you can also pack ur opera with POWER GRASP. Read dis tutorial 4rm d begining if u are cofuse.. Or use our guestbook to gbedu ur mind.

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